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Main building of Pavlov Institute of Physiology,

199034, Makarova enb. 6, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The entrance in institute is from the corner with Tifflisskaya line

The map

Leningradskaya area, Vsevolojskij region, Pavlovo village

From metro station ‘Ladojskaya’ bus №531 or 533, from metro station ‘Ulica Dybenko’ bus № 429 (check with the bus driver, that the bus goes to the Institute, but NOT to the Verhniaya street, you don’t need the last one). 20-30 minutes from both metro stations to the station named TRC ‘Koltushy’ (ТРЦ Колтуши). Then go 5 min uphill along the lake (the lake will be on your RIGHT hand), and than you pass I.P. Pavlov monument. You need the main (or first) building of the Institute.

The map


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