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  • Video and audio signal processing in the context of Neurotechnologies

    Laboratory for physiology of vision of the Pavlov Institute of Physiology


    St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television

    are very glad to announce the

    IEEE International Symposium «Video and audio signal processing in the context of Neurotechnologies»

    Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June 30th —  July 02, 2016

    the official website of the Symposium

    For all the questions please contact us:


    We will be happy to welcome all the members during the most mysterious season in Saint Petersburg — the White Nights period.

  • Анонсы мероприятий

    Заведующий лабораторией физиологии зрения, Юрий Евгеньевич Шелепин, выступил с докладом на первом интернациональном воркшопе по бытовой электронике (The 1st International Workshop on Consumer Electronics), организованный сообществом The IEEE Consumer Electronics Society.

    Воркшоп прошел в городе Нави-Сад в Сербии. Это первый воркшоп, организованный преимущественно для молодых ученых из стран юго-восточной Европы, которым зачастую трудно посещать большие конференции по данной тематике.


    Работа конференции была освещена в СМИ.


    В программе воркшопа были такие разделы как


    взаимодействие человека и приборов,

    умный дом

    обработка видео и изображений

    беспроводное сообщение

    и прочее.

    Следующая встреча, организованная совместно учеными из Сербии, России и Греции, и которая состоится весной 2016 года, будет проходить в России. Ждем!

  • Семинар 6 октября

    6 октября 2015 года на набережной Макарова, д. 6 состоится очередной семинар лаборатории физиологии зрения.


    Докладчик: Ника Альбертовна Адамян

    Выпускница факультета психологии СПбГУ, получила степень магистра экспериментальной психологии в Оксфорде, в настоящее время является аспиранткой Университета Париж V, где работает в Лаборатории психологии восприятия.

    Название доклада: Нужно ли внимание для эффекта Фролика?

    Краткое содержание: Эффект Фролика — это смещение в восприятии стартовой позиции движущегося стимула по направлению его движения (Frohlich, 1923). Эта иллюзия относится к классу «смещений, вызванных движением» и часто описывается как следствие процесса перемещения внимания к движущемуся объекту (стимул не виден до тех пор, пока внимание не перейдет на него (Müsseler, Ascherschleben, 1998). Однако, даже если стартовая позиция стимула известна заранее, и внимание уже находится на ней, эффект Фролика не исчезает, что заставляет усомниться в правильности механистического объяснения иллюзии. В докладе Ника Альбертовна расскажет о нескольких экспериментах, в которых эффект Фролика замерялся при манипулировании внимания, и попробует доказать, что для смещений, вызванных движением, внимание является необходимым условием.

    С принципом «смещения, вызванного движением» можно познакомиться посмотрев на родственную эффекту Фролика иллюзию «захвата вспышки»:



  • библиотеки стимулов

    Face images database.

    Изображения лиц, полученные в программе FaceGen Modeller, преобразованные в полутоновые изображения на сером фоне. Все картинки 512 на 512 пикс, фон серый (значение 127). В базе представлены мужские лица (лица мужчин европеоидного типа среднего возраста). Вы можете скачать 3 набора изображений.

    1. no combination:

    В этом наборе присутствуют лица повернутые вправо или влево на определенный угол. Угол поворота менялся от 0.5 до 5 град. Также в этом наборе есть лица, смотрящие прямо и выражающие одну из эмоций: злость (в названии файла есть сочетание ang) или радость (в названии файла есть сочетание smile). Выраженность эмоции менялась по шкале от 0 до 1 (точнее от 0.1 до 0.75).

    Примеры названий файлов:

    right1_1.bmp,   left2_5.bmp,   ang06_3.bmp,   smile02_10.bmp




    smile(выраженность_эмоции )_(порядковый_номер_картинки).bmp

    no_combination (download 11,9 Мб)

    2. combinations:

    В этом наборе присутствуют изображения лиц, в которых содержится комбинация двух признаков: эмоции и угла поворота.

    Примеры названий файлов:

    right6_ang02_1.bmp,   left4_ang075_3.bmp,   right05_smile03_7.bmp, left3_smile01_2.bmp

    right(угол_поворота)_ ang (выраженность_эмоции)_(порядковый_номер картинки).bmp

    combinations (download 13,6 Мб)

    3. neutr:

    В этом наборе вы найдете 40 лиц с нейтральным выражением лица и смотрящие прямо. 20 из этих лиц использовались в представленных выше наборах.

    neutr (download 1,67 Мб)


    Примеры стимулов

  • Vision of gastropod mollusks

    Зрение брюхоногих моллюсков

    Строение и функции камерных глаз

    LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 17.01.2013 )

    Детали книги:







    Язык книги:


    Краткое содержание/Аннотация:

    Брюхоногие моллюски появились почти 600 млн. лет назад в море, а сегодня обитают в самых разных биотопах в воде и на суше. Таксономически они разделены на переднежаберных, заднежаберных и легочных, представлены разными жизненными формами и демонстрируют разный образ жизни. Подавляющее большинство видов брюхоногих моллюсков имеет камерные глаза, которые при размере от чуть более 100 мкм до 5 мм состоят из роговицы, хрусталика, стекловидного тела, сетчатки, глазной капсулы, под которой может находиться дополнительный глаз, и оптического нерва. Однако зрительная система этих беспозвоночных животных изучена недостаточно – ее функциональное значение определено лишь для единичных видов. В настоящей монографии изложены основные современные представления о строении, эволюционных изменениях, функциях камерных глаз брюхоногих моллюсков и факторах, влияющих на их формирование. Книга предназначена для биологов разного уровня профессиональной подготовки.

    By (author) :

    Ирина Шепелева

    Количество страниц:







  • Семинар

    В среду, 21 ноября, в конференц-зал Института (Макарова, 6) пригалашаются желающие ознакомиться с докладами сотрудниц лаборатории зрения:
    1. «Трактовка экспериментальных наблюдений ориентационной избирательности нейронов наружного коленчатого тела  с помощью математической модели», Е.Г. Якимова
    2. «ЭЭГ-корреляты процесса оценки коротких временных интервалов», Д.Н. Подвигина
    Начало семинара в 13:00
  • Irina Shepeleva


    Irina Shepeleva


    Date of birth: 24th June 1979

    Family status: unmarried

    Telephone (mobile): 8 921 36 49 409

    E-mail: ishepeleva@rambler.ru

    Languages: English




    1996/09–2001/06: Student, Bioecological Faculty,KaliningradStateUniversity (KSU),Kaliningrad

    1999–2000: Grant-holder of Kaliningrad Administration

    2000–2001: Grant-holder of the Scientific Council of KSU

    2000/04–06: Taking a course “Ecological education for the stable development of the Baltic Region”, Ecological center “Agenda21”, KSU. The second town ecological competition laureate ofKaliningrad

    2001/06: Diploma in Biology (=MSc) with first class honours degree, KSU

    Postgraduate study

    2001/10–2004/10: PhD student, Bioecological Faculty, KSU.

    2004/11: The Certificate on graduation from postgraduate study with first class honours degree, specialty “Physiology”, KSU

    Defense of PhD thesis

    2007/03: Defense of PhD thesis in M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University. Doctor of Biological Sciences (=PhD), specialties “Physiology” and “Zoology”

    Current position

    Senior research worker in the Laboratory of visual physiology at Pavlov Institute of Physiology RAS, Saint-Petersburg


    1. Histological methods for getting of semithin and ultrathin sections of camera eyes of gastropod mollusks.

    Fig. 1. Digital pictures of semithin sections of the eyes of terrestrial pulmonate mollusks Perforatella incarnata (a) (Shepeleva 2006), Helicigona lapicida (b) (Shepeleva 2006) and Trichia hispida (c) (Shepeleva 2009). Scale bars: 60 µm (a), 50 µm (b) and 40 µm (c).

    Fig. 2. Digital pictures of ultrathin sections of the retina of terrestrial pulmonate mollusk Arion rufus, showing photoreceptor cells of the first (a) and second (b) type (Shepeleva 2007). Scale bars: 1 µm (a, b).

    2. Methods of light and electron microscopy for study of semithin and ultrathin sections of the eyes, preparations of the isolated eyes and components of the dioptric apparatus.

    Fig. 3. Digital pictures of the isolated eye of Perforatella incarnata (a), the isolated lens of P. incarnata (b) and the image of the test object (a copper grid for electron microscope) formed by the isolated lens of P. incarnata (c) (Shepeleva 2006). Scale bars: 60 µm (a), 30 µm (b) and 3.5 µm (c).

    3. Methods for estimation of the focal lengths and refractive indexes of the isolated components of the dioptric apparatus.

    4. Morphometry on preparations, digital pictures of preparations and sections using software CorelDraw.

    5. Calculations of the visual parameters.

    6. Methods for study of the different aspects of gastropod mollusks’ visual and motive behaviour.

    7. Statistical analysis of morphometrical and behavioural data.





    1. Shepeleva I. Vision of gastropod mollusks. Saarbrücken: LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013. 88 с. (in Russian) >>Details

    Articles in refereed journals

    1. Bobkova M.V., Gal J., Zhukov V.V., Shepeleva I.P. and Meyer-Rochow V.B. (2004). Variations in the retinal design of pulmonate snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda): squaring phylogenetic background and ecophysiological needs. Invertebrate Biology. 123 (2), 101–115. (in English)

    2. Gal J., Bobkova M.V., Zhukov V.V., Shepeleva I.P., Meyer-Rochow V.B. (2004). Fixed focal-length optics in pulmonate snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda): squaring phylogenetic background and ecophysiological needs. Invertebrate Biology. 123 (2), 116–127. (in English)

    3. Shepeleva I.P. (2005). Morphology and optical physiology of the eye of terrestrial slug Arion rufus L. (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Sensory Systems. 19 (2), 166–171. (in Russian)

    4. Shepeleva I.P. (2005). Comparative investigation of the morphology and optical properties of the eye lenses of some gastropod mollusks. Sensory Systems. 19 (2), 172–176. (in Russian)

    5. Shepeleva I.P. (2006). Comparative study of the morphology and optics of the eyes of terrestrial gastropod mollusks Cochlodina laminata and Perforatella incarnata (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora) with different light preferences. Sensory Systems. 20 (1), 40–51. (in Russian)

    6. Shepeleva I.P. (2006). The eye of terrestrial gastropod mollusk Helicigona lapicida (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora). Sensory Systems. 20 (1), 52–58. (in Russian)

    7. Shepeleva I.P. (2006). Comparative study of the morphology and optics of the eyes of terrestrial gastropod mollusks Arianta arbustorum and Cepaea hortensis (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora) with similar light preferences. Sensory Systems. 20 (1), 59–67. (in Russian)

    8. Shepeleva I.P. (2009). Motive behavior of the terrestrial slug Arion rufus (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora) under conditions of light stimulation. Zoological Journal. 88 (8), 907–913. (in Russian)

    9. Shepeleva I.P. (2009). What do gastropod mollusks see? Nature. 8, 48–53. (in Russian)

    10. Shepeleva I.P. (2009). Structure and optical properties of the eye of terrestrial gastropod mollusk Trichia hispida (Linne, 1758) (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora) fromSouth Sweden. Invertebrate Zoology. 5 (2), 173–180. (in Russian)

    11. Shepeleva I.P. (2010). Diversity and peculiarities of photoreceptors in the retina of camera eye of gastropod mollusk Helicigona lapicida Linnaeus, 1758 (Pulmonata, Stylommatophora). Bulletin ofMordovianStateUniversity. 1, 69–76. (in Russian)

    12. Shepeleva I.P. (2011). Types of the eyes of invertebrates. Bulletin ofMordovianStateUniversity. 4, 218–230. (in Russian)

    13. Shepeleva I.P. (2011). Camera eyes of gastropod mollusks. Bulletin ofMordovianStateUniversity. 4, 230–239. (in Russian)

    14. Shepeleva I.P. (2011). Resolving ability and optical sensitivity of the camera eyes of gastropod mollusks. Bulletin ofMordovianStateUniversity. 4, 240–250. (in Russian)


    Materials of conferences

    1. Shepeleva I.P. (2005). Ecological adaptations in the eye structure of terrestrial slug Arion rufus (L.) to the rising of light sensitivity. International Conference for the Actual Problems of Animal Ecological Physiology, Biochemistry and Genetics, Saransk, Mordovia, March 2005, 266. (in Russian)

    2. Shepeleva I.P. (2009). Structure and optical properties of the eye of gastropod mollusk Trichia hispida L. (Pulmonata, Stylommatophora) fromSouth Sweden. II International Conference for the Actual Problems of Animal Ecological Physiology, Biochemistry and Genetics,Saransk, Mordovia, April 2009, 147–150. (in Russian)

    3. Shepeleva I.P. (2009). Structure and optical properties of the camera eye of gastropod mollusk Succinea putris (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pulmonata, Stylommatophora). II International Conference for the Actual Problems of Animal Ecological Physiology, Biochemistry and Genetics,Saransk, Mordovia, April 2009, 150–152. (in Russian)

    4. Shepeleva I.P. (2010). Diversity and peculiarities of photoreceptors in the retina of camera eye of gastropod mollusk Helicigona lapicida (Linne, 1758) (Pulmonata, Stylommatophora). International Scientific Conference for Zoological Investigations in the Regions ofRussia and Contiguous Territories,Saransk, Mordovia, January 2010, 193–195. (in Russian)

    5. Shepeleva I.P. (2010). Morphology, optical properties and evolutional changes of the eye lenses of terrestrial gastropod mollusks. I International Bekker’s Reading,Volgograd,Russia, May 2010, 564–566. (in Russian)

    6. Shepeleva I.P. (2012). The eye of a gastropod pulmonate mollusk Helix lucorum L. (Stylommatophora, Helicidae) in vitro. V Russian with International Participation Medical and Biological Congress of Young Scientists «Symbiose-Russia 2012». Tver’,Russia, December 2012, 407–409. (in Russian)


    Abstracts of conferences

    1. Shepeleva I.P. (2002). Comparative study of the anatomy and optical properties of the visual organs of some gastropod mollusks. V-th Russian Medical and Biological Conference of Young Scientists,St. Petersburg,Russia, April 2002, 270. (in Russian)

    2. Bobkova M., Gal J., Zhukov V., ShepelevaI.and Meyer-Rochow V.B. (2003). Optics and retinal designs in pulmonate snails. VII-th East European Conference of the International Society for Invertebrate Neurobiology,Kaliningrad-Svetlogorsk-Otradnoe,Russia, September 2003, 31. (in English)

    3. Shepeleva I.P. (2004). Motive behavior of the terrestrial slug Arion rufus (L.) under conditions of light stimulation. VII Russian Medical and Biological Conference of Young Scientists,St. Petersburg,Russia, March 2004, 335–336. (in Russian)

    4. Shepeleva I.P. (2004). Morphology and optical physiology of the eye of terrestrial slug Arion rufus (L.) (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Pavlov’s Physiological Society XIX Congress,Yekaterinburg,Russia, September 2004, 356. (in Russian)

    5. Shepeleva I.P. (2005). Comparative investigation of the morphology and optical properties of the eye lenses of some gastropod mollusks. Russian Physiological and Medical Conference of Young Scientists,St. Petersburg,Russia, April 2005, 138. (in Russian)

    6. Shepeleva I.P. (2005). Photoreceptive apparatus of the camera eye of terrestrial slug Arion rufus (L.) (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Russian Physiological and Medical Conference of Young Scientists,St. Petersburg,Russia, April 2005, 138. (in Russian)

    7. Shepeleva I.P. (2006). Adaptations to vision at terrestrial gastropod mollusks Cochlodina laminata and Perforatella incarnata (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora). XIII International Conference and VI School for Evolutional Physiology dedicated to Orbely’s memory and 50-year of Sechenov Institute of Evolutional Physiology and Biochemistry,St. Petersburg,Russia, January 2006, 246. (in Russian)

    8. Shepeleva I.P. (2006). The eye of terrestrial gastropod mollusk Helicigona lapicida (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora). XIII International Conference and VI School for Evolutional Physiology dedicated to Orbely’s memory and 50-year of Sechenov Institute of Evolutional Physiology and Biochemistry,St. Petersburg,Russia, January 2006, 246–247. (in Russian)

    9. Shepeleva I.P. (2006). The role of light factor in forming the eyes of terrestrial gastropod mollusks Arianta arbustorum and Cepaea hortensis (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora). XIII-thInternational Conference and VI School for Evolutional Physiology dedicated to Orbely’s memory and 50-year of Sechenov Institute of Evolutional Physiology and Biochemistry,St. Petersburg,Russia, January 2006, 247–248. (in Russian)

    10. Shepeleva I.P. (2006). Comparative morphology and optics of gastropod eyes (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora). XXIX European Conference on Visual Perception,St. Petersburg,Russia, August 2006, 139. (in Russian)

    11. Shepeleva I.P. (2008). Behavioral investigations of the visual preferences of the freshwater gastropod mollusk Radix peregra (Müller 1774). XI Russian Medical and Biological Conference of Young Scientists,St. Petersburg,Russia, April 2008, 431. (in Russian)

    12. Shepeleva I.P. (2008). Structural and functional organization and evolutional changes of the eyes of terrestrial gastropod mollusks. Russian Conference for Structural and Functional Bases of the Function Evolution, Extreme States Physiology, St. Petersburg, Russia, November 2008, 188. (in Russian)

    13. Shepeleva I.P. (2011). Microvillar photoreceptive apparatus of the camera eyes of gastropod mollusks from different phylogenetic groups. XIV International Conference and VII School for Evolutional Physiology dedicated to Orbely’s memory, St. Petersburg, Russia, October 2011, 209210. (in Russian)

    14. Shepeleva I.P. (2011). Functional capabilities of the camera eyes of gastropod mollusks. XIV-th International Conference and VII School for Evolutional Physiology dedicated to Orbely’s memory, St. Petersburg, Russia, October 2011, 210211. (in Russian)

    15. Shepeleva I.P. (2012). The screening pigment of the camera eyes of some species of terrestrial gastropod mollusks // Cytology. 54 (4), 364365. (in Russian)


  • Harauzov Alexey


    1995 — Degree in Biological Science,  Saint-Petersburg State University (Russia)

    1995 – 1999 — Work in the vision physiology laboratory of  Pavlov Institute of Physiology (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

    1999 — Awarded a degree “Candidate of Biological Science” in Pavlov Institute of Physiology (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

    1999 — Winner of a European selection to attend the Neurobiological PhD program (2000-2002) at the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy)

    2003 — Awarded a degree PhD in “neurobiology” passing the final exam with a final vote of 70/70 cum laude.

    At present — A researcher in the vision physiology lab of the Pavlov Institute of Physiology (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)


    List of publications:

    1. Kharauzov AK, Shelepin IuE, Pozdeev NV, Etingof RN.  Changes in the electroretinogram of Campbell rats with the development of hereditary retinal degeneration. // Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova. 1996 Aug-Sep;82(8-9):73-9. (Russian.)
    2. Chihman V.N., Shelepin Y.E., Pronin S.V., Harauzov A.K., Makulov V.B., Krasilnikov.  Electrophysiological measurements of the natural image distortion // Electronic Imaging. SPIE. 1998. V.3299. №10.  pp. 510-518
    3. Shelenin IuE, Kharauzov AK, Krasil’nikov NN, Pronin SV. Electrophysiological studies of human spatial vision under interference conditions // Fiziol Cheloveka. 1999 Jan-Feb; 25(1):24-34. (Russian).
    4.  Kharauzov A.K., Shelepin Y.E., Pronin S.V., Krasilnikov N.N., Myravyova S.V. Comparative electrophysiological and psychophysical measurements of the spatial-frequency characteristics of the visual system in noisy conditions // J.Optical Technology, 1999, V. 66, № 10
    5. Kharauzov AK, Shelepin IuE, Pronin SV, Krasil’nikov NN, Murav’eva SV.  Visual evoked potentials in response to dichoptic presentation of sinusoidal grating and noise background // Ross Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova. 2001 Feb;87(2):261-70. (Russian)
    6. Mandolesi G, Menna E, Harauzov A, von Bartheld CS, Caleo M, Maffei L.  A role for retinal brain-derived neurotrophic factor in ocular dominance plasticity. // Curr Biol. 2005 Dec 6;15(23):2119-24
    7. Kharauzov AK, Pronin SV, Sobolev AF, Koskin SA, Boiko EV, Shelepin YE. Objective measurement of human visual acuity by visual evoked potentials. // Neurosci Behav Physiol. 2006 Nov;36(9):1021-30
    8. Fokin VA, Shelepin YE, Kharauzov AK, Trufanov GE, Sevost’yanov AV, Pronin SV, Koskin SA. Localization of human cortical areas activated on perception of ordered and chaotic images. // Neurosci Behav Physiol. 2008 Sep;38(7):677-85. Epub 2008 Aug 16
    9. Kharauzov AK, Shelepin YE, Pronin SV, Sel’chenkova TV, Noskov YA.  Electrophysiological studies of texture recognition mechanisms. // Neurosci Behav Physiol. 2008 Mar;38(3):219-26
    10. Shelepin YE, Fokin VA, Harauzov AK, Pronin SV, Chikhman VN.  Location of the decision-making centre during image shape perception. // Dokl Biol Sci. 2009 Nov-Dec;429:511-3
    11. Harauzov A, Spolidoro M, DiCristo G, De Pasquale R, Cancedda L, Pizzorusso T, Viegi A, Berardi N, Maffei L.  Reducing intracortical inhibition in the adult visual cortex promotes ocular dominance plasticity. // J Neurosci. 2010 Jan 6;30(1):361-71
  • Vakhrameeva Olga

    Education/Professional experience

    2007 – M.Sc.,  program “Neurobiology of behavior”, St-Petersburg State University, Biological Faculty, Department of high nervous activity.

    2009-present – PhD student in the Lab. of Physiology of Vision , Pavlov Institute of Physiology.

    2000-2002 – department assistant in St-Petersburg State University, Biological Faculty, Department of high nervous activity.

    2003-2008 – laboratory assistant in Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Lab. of Physiology of Vision

    2008-2009 – research assistant, Lab for Integrative Neural Systems, BSI, RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan

    2009-2011 – laboratory assistant in Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Lab. of Physiology of Vision.

    2011-present – junior researcher in Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Lab. of Physiology of Vision.

    2012-present — research team member in OkazoLab, (www.okazolab.com)




    1. Yu.E. Shelepin, V.N. Chihman, A.K. Harauzov, V.M. Bondarko, O.A. Vakhrameeva Incomplete Image Perception // Russian J Phisiol V.90. № 8. P. 355 (In Russian)
    2. O A Vakhrameeva, Y E Shelepin, A Y Mezentsev, S V Pronin, Investigation of the perception of incomplete contour figures of the various size // Russian J Phisiol V.94. № 10. 2008 (In Russian).
    3. Y E Shelepin, V.N. Chihman, O A Vakhrameeva, S V Pronin, N. Foreman, P. Passmore Invariance in visual perception // Experimental Psychology, № 3. 2008 (In Russian). JExpPsy>>
    4. O. A. Vakhrameeva, Yu. E. Shelepin, A. Yu. Mezentsev and S. V. Pronin,  Studies of the Perception of Incomplete Outline Images of Different Sizes // Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, V 39, N 9. 2009 PubMed>>
    5. Yu. E. Shelepin, V. A. Fokin, A Kharauzov, O. A. Vakhrameeva, N. Foreman, V.N. Chihman, Perception and mechanisms of decision making process // Experimental Psychology in Russia. Traditions and Perspectives, pp. 327-331, 2010 Link>>
    6. Yu Shelepin, V. Fokin, A Kharauzov, N Foreman, S Pronin, O Vakhrameeva, V Chihman Using neuroimaging to localize the decision making mechanisms about texture order // Journal of Optics I.12, V.78, December 2011. Paper in Russian: JOptRU>>  Paper in English: JOptEN>>
    7. Yu Shelepin, V. Fokin, A Kharauzov, N Foreman, S Pronin, O Vakhrameeva, V Chihman Where and how in frontal cortex the decision about object’s shape is taken place? // Modern experimental psychology. Moscow 2011, Publ.houseInstituteofPsychology, RAS. Ed. V. Barabanshikov. V. 1,Ch.30, pp. 529-549 (In Russian).
      1. Vakhrameeva O., Sukhinin M., Moiseenko G., Muravieva S., Pronin S., Volkov V., Shelepin Y. Investigation of perceptual threshold depending on fovea diameter // Sensory Systems,  2013, V. 27, № 2, pp. 122-129 (in Russian)

    Abstracts for conferences:

    1. Shelepin Y, Vahrameeva O, Harauzov A, Pronin S, Krasilnikov N, Foreman N, Chihman V The recognition of incomplete contour and half-tone figures// Perception, vol. 33, supplement, 27th European Conference on Visual Perception, , 2004, P. 79 .
    2. Vakhrameeva O.A., Pronin S.V., Shelepin Yu. E. Invariance of perception threshold in Gestalt and practical aims of neuroophthalmology // Conference in honour of prof. A.L. Polenov. Publishing house “Human and his health”. SPb. 2005. (In Russian)
    3. Vakhrameeva O. A., Mezentsev A. Yu., Pronin S. V., Shelepin Yu. E., Investigation of recognition thresholds of incomplete images for the critical resolution and for the optimal resolution // Book of abstracts. Mechanisms of adaptive behavior. The International Symposium dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of the I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, theRussianAcademy of Sciences, St.-Petersburg, Koltushi,December 7-9, 2005, P. 18-21. (In Russian).
    4. Vakhrameeva O. A., Mezentsev A. Yu., Pronin S. V., Shelepin Y. E., Gollin Test Stimuli Complexity Investigation // Perception, vol. 35, supplement, 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, St.-Petersburg, 20-25 August, 2006, P. 79.
    5. O A Vakhrameeva, A Ju Mezentsev, S V Pronin, Y E Shelepin, N.Foreman, Threshold of incomplete figures perception in condition of resolution limit, in optimal condition and in condition of big stimulus size // Book of abstracts. The XXI AllRussiaPhysiological Congress. Moskow. June 2007. (In Russian)
    6. О A Vakhrameeva, T V Selchenkova, M Sukhinin, Y E Shelepin Pattern recognition and individual foveola architecture mapped by optical coherence tomography // Perception, V. 39, Supplement, 33d European Conference on Visual Perception, Aug. 2010, P. 30
    7. О A Vakhrameeva, T V Selchenkova, M V Sukhinin, Y E Shelepin Pattern recognition and individual foveola architecture mapped by optical coherence tomography // Book of abstract International conference «Applyed optics 2010»  V.3, P. 344-348, Saint-Petersburg, October 18-22, 2010 (In Russian).
    8. Vakhrameeva O. A. Fokin V. A. Lebedev A. V. Kharauzov A. K. Sokolov A. V. Shelepin Y. E. Statistical parametric mapping of brain activation during passive observation of visual stimuly and in the task requirinng active behaviour. // Book of abstract International conference «Applyed optics 2010»  V.3, P. 360-365, Saint-Petersburg, October 18-22, 2010 (In Russian).
    9. Shelepin Y. E., Fokin V. A., Harauzov A. K., Vakhrameeva O. A., Trufanov G. E., Sokolov A. V., Foreman N., Pronin S. V., Chikhman V. N. Functional activation map in the tasks of passive observation and tasks involving active behaviour // Book of abstract International conference «Applyed optics 2010»  V.3, P. 370-373, Saint-Petersburg, October 18-22, 2010 (In Russian).
    10. Vakhrameeva O. A. Eye movements during different sise incomplete object’s  recognition task. // Book of abstract of the all Russia young researchers school «Neurotechnologies 2010. Bioeconomics based on knowleges: innovative way of biotechnology developement» P. 7-8, Bekasovo, Moskovskaja reg. September 24-29, 2010 (In Russian).
    11. Vakhrameeva О. А., Selchenkova T. V., Sukhinin M. V.,  Shelepin Yu. E. Recognition of visual objects and foveola architecture // Boock of abstracts of the III congress of physiologists from Countries of former USSR, Jalta, Ukraine, 1-6 Oct 2011. (In Russian
    12. Olga Vakhrameeva, Mikhail Sukhinin, Svetlana Muravieva, Dmitry Demidov and Yuri E. Shelepin «Visual discrimination performance dependence on the individual peculiarities of the retina structures» // Perception 41, ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 175, 2012
    13. Vakhrameeva O., Sukhinin M., Optical coherent tomography as a method for investigation of foveolar mechanisms of object recognition // International historico-scientific symposium on optics “History of optics and contemporaneity” October 28-30, 2013 (in Russian).
    14. Vakhrameeva O., Sukhinin M., Kharauzov A., Pronin S., Volkov V., Shelepin Yu. Priming effect and foveolar mechanisms of object recognition // The All-Russian conference of young researchers “Neurobiology of integrative functions of the brain”, St-Petersburg, November 12-14, 2013 (in Russian).
    15. Vakhrameeva O., Harauzov A., Shelepin Yu. Unconscious visual priming effect on foveolar mechanisms of object segregation from background // 3rd international Conference “Implicit learning: Interactions between consciousness & the unconscious”, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 12-14 2014.
    16. Vakhrameeva O., Alexey Harauzov, Sergey Pronin , Yuri Shelepin Unconscious priming effect in visual scene with multiscale objects // Perception V 44, Supplement, 38dEuropean Conference on Visual Perception, Aug.2015 F1000Research 2015, 4:903 (poster) (doi:10.7490/f1000research.1110647.1)

    Research Interest

  • Podvigina Daria


    2007 – present PhD Program in psychophysiology
    St. Petersburg State University, Russia
    Title of doctoral thesis: Characteristics of the process of human short (up to 3 seconds)
    time interval perception
    Estimated date of defense – November 2012

    1997 – 2002 M.Sc. in Clinical Psychology
    St. Petersburg State University, Russia
    Title of diploma thesis: The role of test stimulus displacement trajectory in apparent motion illusion (in Russian)

    Professional Experience

    2002 — present Research assistant, Pavlov Institute of Physiology
    of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia

    · Performed psychophysiological studies of apparent motion illusion.

    · Participated in neurophysiological research of oscillatory processes in neuronal networks of the visual system, impulse synchronization, orientation sensitivity of visual neurons. These studies were supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research.

    · Head investigator for the study of the characteristics of subjective time scales for short
    duration. The study has been supported by the Program of the Biological Sciences Department of the Russian Academy of Science.

    April 2009 — July 2009 Invited researcher, the Generation Research Program
    Bat Toelz, Germany

    · Carried out research on time perception by after-stroke patients. The research was supported by Peter-Schilffarth-Institute of Sociotechnology.

    February 2012 — present Senior lecturer, the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St.Petersburg, Russia

    ·Developing and delivering the lectures in psychology and psychophysiology

    Main Scientific Publications

    1. D.N. Podvigina, A.G. Morozov. Apparent Motion Illusion under Conditions of Undetermined Trajectory of Test Spot Stimulus Presentation. I.M. Sechenov Russian Physiological Journal, 2003, 89(10):1210-1215 (in Russian)
    2. N.F. Podvigin, T.V. Bagaeva, E.V. Boykova, A.Z. Zargarov, D.N. Podvigina, E. Poeppel.
    Three Bands of Oscillatory Activity in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus of The Cat Visual
    System. Neuroscience Letters, 2004, 361:83-85 PubMed>>
    3. N.F. Podvigin, T.V. Bagaeva, D.N. Podvigina, Poeppel E. Mechanism of Impulse Flows
    Synchronization in Neuronal Network of Visual System. Homeostasis, 2004, 43(1):1-6
    4. N.F. Podvigin, T.V. Bagaeva, D.N. Podvigina. Selective Self-Synchronization of Impulse
    Flows in Neuronal Networks of the Visual System. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2005,
    5. N.F. Podvigin, T.V. Bagaeva, D.N. Podvigina, E.G. Yakimova, M.P. Granstrem. Complex
    Orientation Selectivity of Neurons in Visual System. Homeostasis, 2006, 4(4):184-188
    6. N.F. Podvigin, T.V. Bagaeva, D.N. Podvigina, E.G. Yakimova, L.E. Ivanova, S.D.
    Solnushkin. A New Property of Onientation-Selective Neurons of the Cat Lateral Geniculate Nucleus. Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology, 2007, 43(6):579-586
    7. D.N. Podvigina, N.F. Podvigin. On Possible Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Short Time Interval Perception. Actual problems of the contemporary physiological science.
    International Conference, 19-20 October 2007, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, Proceedings, volume 4(34) of The Bulletin of Kazakh National University, Biological series, pp.96-100. Kazakh University, 2007 (in Russian).
    8. N.F. Podvigin, T.V. Bagaeva, D.N. Podvigina, A.S. Kiselev. Selective Self-Synchronization
    of Pulses in Neuronal Networks of the Visual System. Biophysics, 2008, 53(2):177-181
    9. D.N. Podvigina, V.A. Lyakhovetskii. Study of characteristics of short time interval
    perception. Journal of Higher Nervous Activity, 2010, 60(4): 430-437

    Scientific Talks and Presentations

    1. “Neuronal Mechanisms of Recognition of Local Features of Surfaces of Visual Objects” 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, St. Petersburg, Russia, August, 20-25, 2006
    2. “Characteristics of Subjective Time Scales for Short Time Intervals” 12th Conference of the Young Scientists on Physiology of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology. Moscow, Russia, October 8-9, 2008 (in Russian)
    3. “On Discontinuity of Subjective Time Scales for Short Time Intervals” Young Scientists
    Conference at the Herzen University, St. Petersburg, Russia, March 30 – April 2, 2009 (in
    4. “On Principles of Short Time Interval Estimation by Human Subjects”, poster. 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, St. Petersburg, Russia, August, 20-25, 2006
    5. “Human Estimation of Short Time Intervals”, poster. 30th European Conference on Visual Perception, Arezzo, Italy, August, 27-31, 2007
    And other posters (9 in all) at Russian and international conferences


    Mobile: +7 921 7444800

    Email: daria-da@ya.ru